Loss Prevention and Control
Lower Cost of Risk
Lowering insurance costs and improving insurability begins with effective safety programs. Loss Prevention and Control Services offered by One Risk Group, LLC supplement insurance carrier activities. Our advocates work on your behalf to direct, coordinate and provide safety related information, materials and training.


Coordinate and monitor insurance carrier services​
Supervisor/Management Training
Training information, materials, resources
Development of accident investigation and reporting procedures
Ergonomic Assessments and Training
Emergency Response/Disaster Recovery Planning

Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP)
Safety Committee Guidelines and participation
CAL/OSHA requirements and audit assistance
Fire protection requirements
Hazard Identification
Jobsite and facility visits​
Hazard identification and assessment
Machine guarding assessment
Industrial Hygiene Programs including Blood Borne Pathogens
Safety Audits

Trend Analysis
Coordination and customization of loss statements
Analysis of historical loss information including frequency, severity and trends
Develop benchmarks of key performance metrics

Company - year over year, OSHA Stats, WCIRB Stats
Peer Group
Industry comparison